Whenever I am home, my family likes to pile into the good ole family car (sometimes we take 3 cars due to lack of communication in the mornings) on Sunday's and head to our qauint church that's in town. To get to church we must go through the woods, over a bridge, and....by two Baptist churches. To paint you a picture, this churches make my massive 6A public high school look like a teacup. Now the size of these churches isn't what burns my biscuit...it's the traffic guards.
I also get anger at the fact that this makes me anger. When I am stopped in a line of 50 cars while the "others" are getting to waved through by rent-a-cop, I start thinking mean, evil thoughts. The good angel on my right shoulder is saying "Anna, you must be patient and love everyone...especially on Sundays for goodness sake!" but the devil on my left is saying "MOW THEM OVAA!!!!" It's quite a complex.
Now I am aware that a fellow Calvinist church in Hattiesburg stops traffic, but it is done via Hattiesburg Police and they never allow traffic to build up. And besides, we're predestined so we can do whatever we want, right? PRESBYTERIANS TO THE TOP!!!!
So, there is my rant.