I apologize for my recent hiatus from blogging. After my first post I imagined tons of witty, zinger posts that would soon bring in the attention of a celebrity and then I'd reach national blogger fame!! Sorry, got caught up in dream world again... Well, it's hard to be funny when you have shingles. It's actually hard to do anything when you have shingles. When I first starting noticing it, I went straight to the doctor. If you've ever been sick around my family you know that's a big deal. My dad's medical logic for anything from a broken bone to a crippling virus is "shake it off." Even after the doctor gave me a huge bottle of pills that are fit for an elephant and said that shingles suck (that's a paraphrase), I still asked if I could work out on the medicine and when could I go back to Starkville. At the time, I was puzzled by his expression, but I now realize..I must have lost my mind. Shingles is the worst! I could barely get out of bed let alone work out! I could barely eat, sleep, or doing anything. Plenty of complications and meds later. I can finally blog. Instead of going on about my woefully condition, I'll blog about what I've been doing other than taking med induced naps or vomiting...TV.

I love TV. It's possibly one of my favorite things, probably because I never have time for it and each 30 minute segment that I can spare is precious. This may seem stupid, but until now I'm always been extremely busy. Shingles has reconnected me with an old friend and introduced me to some new ones. With nothing to do but watch TV for the past two weeks, I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of TV. Here are my observations.
Dexter: I've heard people rave about it so decided to commandeered my little brother's xbox and netflix access. I fell in love, and two seasons later (yes, you read that right) I can't wait to watch more. Disclaimer: it can be awkward when a parent ask you what you're watching. You're so excited about it that you give them a full synopsis, only to realize you're telling them you've fallen in love with a fictional serial killer. yeah..
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: This is the least tacky of the whole Real Housewives gang. Sure it's overly decadent and delusional, but these women actually are funny and have a little more too them. You can't help by envy Lisa Vanderpump...she once said that flats were like a disease..love her.
Tudors: This little nugget is for the person who likes 16th century nostalgia, and lots of love scenes. Whoever cast the men on this show needs a raise!
Say Yes to the Dress: What girl doesn't like a show about wedding dresses? I am not a fan of the "Big Bliss" version however. I know it might sound judgemental, but I believe hat brides stop eating as soon as the ring is on their finger. Wedding dress in a size 30 is something I just find hard to approve.
Toddlers and Tiaras: guilty pleasure. I love watch the tacky, not attractive moms and ultra-feminine dads yell cattle calls at the plaster make-up 2 years. "Shake Krystall, like a princess! yyeyeeyeeyaahhh!"
Teen Mom: oh the teen angst! the drama! the kuntry boy frans! and the classy names (I'm looking at you Janelle)! But the children are adorable, which says a lot because I'm generally not a fan of kids.
Any weight loss shows: A&E's Heavy is a really good one. It strips down all the cheesy competition stuff. I do get tired of the crying though. I find myself screaming suck it up at the TV a lot. So watch if nothing else is on.
And finally, my heart... FOOD NETWORK CHANNEL!!!
Giada, Ina, Sandra, and Paula... my favorites! I could spend hours watching them, and wouldn't change the channel if it wasn't for the mime with a loud mouth Rachel Ray (seriously, watch her hands next time) and the dyking restaurant chef who gets her hair done with Guy's Big Bites.
Well, blogging has taken all my energy for today so it's off to another nap! Hopefully, next time I'll be shingle-free and have actual adventures to document.